Webinar: The Techie Girls Webinar – 3 things to achieve your sky’s the limit success

The Techie Girls Webinar-1

Marie is an experienced career coach and mindset expert whose passion is to empower women to have their dream career & life. Marie is looking to educate the women within our group on how they can achieve unwavering belief in themselves, build confidence, and achieve the career they have dreamed of. Marie has had significant success in helping other women achieve their sky’s the limit careers, and now she wants to help The Techie Girls Community, whether you are just starting in your career or further on.

Join us on 22nd September at 2pm to hear from Marie will help you change your mindset and increase your:

  • Career clarity
  • Confidence
  • Self-belief

As a result, they’re able to achieve their sky’s the limit success. Career or life wise.

Webinar Host-2
Guest Speaker